- Only 3 % of people on Earth do not have sexual fantasies. According to research, the most common fantasy is sex with a familiar person. Interestingly, women imagine celebrities in their beds more often than men do – 46 % versus 43 %.
- The duration of orgasm is about 6 seconds for males and can last up to 20 seconds for females.
- Having sex in warm conditions leads to faster orgasms.
- On average, sexual intercourse lasts for 15 minutes. The main act itself takes about 5 minutes, while foreplay occupies the remaining 10 minutes.
- Sex can be considered a drug since it triggers the release of endorphins, which affect the same areas of the brain as drugs.
- Similar to laughter, orgasms can prolong life. Engaging in sex also improves cardiovascular health and enhances memory in women.
- Coffee enthusiasts derive more pleasure from sex compared to those who do not enjoy coffee.
- A heart attack can occur in men during sexual activity. In 85 % of such cases, the man was sleeping with a lover while cheating on his wife.
- Alcohol negatively affects the quality of sex. Despite helping a woman relax, consuming several glasses of wine can prevent her from experiencing the same pleasure as she would in a completely sober state.
- People, bonobo chimpanzees, and dolphins engage in sex purely for pleasure.
- Placing a pinch of salt on the tip of a woman’s tongue before oral sex can alleviate nausea.
- The average size of an erect penis for an average man is between 13 and 15 centimeters.
- Pornographic films can cause erectile problems in men.
- Throughout a man’s lifetime, he produces about 13 liters of sperm.
- Spermatozoa can travel at a speed of 45 kilometers per hour.
- Even before birth, males think about sex. In the third trimester, male embryos can experience erections.
- Semen contains a substance that can help combat depression.
- Men who smoke engage in sex half as frequently as non-smokers.
- Approximately 100 million spermatozoa are released during ejaculation.
- Over a lifetime, a man ejaculates around 7200 times, 2000 of which are due to masturbation.
- Circumcision in males increases the duration of sexual intercourse.
- Women’s sexual activity rapidly increases during the summer season.
- The use of contraceptive methods by women decreases sensitivity during sex.
- More than half of the surveyed women admitted to having faked an orgasm at least once in their lives.
- In a highly aroused state, a woman’s vagina can stretch up to 200 %.
- Only 1 % of women are capable of achieving orgasm solely from breast stimulation.
- Sex strengthens the immune system. Research conducted by the University of Wilkes (USA) has shown that people who engage in sex twice a week are 30 % less likely to catch the common cold.
- 88 % of women experience sexual desire when they see a hairy male chest.
- 30 minutes of sex burn approximately 200 calories. So, if you missed a workout at the gym due to a date, you know how to compensate for it.
- The number of spermatozoa needed to repopulate the Earth with humans could fit in one aspirin capsule. The number of female eggs required for the same purpose could fit in one chicken egg.
- The clitoris of a woman has 8000 nerve endings, while the male penis has only 4000.
- Statistics indicate that women who are uncertain about their physical appearance tend to prefer casual sexual encounters.
- Using a condom during sexual intercourse reduces the risk of venereal diseases by 97 %.
- The technique of putting on a condom using the mouth is referred to as the «Italian method».
- Female penguins may agree to engage in sex with another male only if he provides pebbles, which are used for nest building.
- Rats can engage in sexual activity up to 122 times in a single hour.
- Lions mate with lionesses approximately 50 times per day.
- A pig can experience orgasm for up to 30 minutes.
- Eagles can engage in sexual activity while in the air without landing on the ground.
- The nation that engages in sex most frequently is Greece, with an average of around 138 sexual encounters per year per couple.
- The Japanese engage in sexual activity the least frequently on the planet, with an average of approximately 45 times per year.
- The Aztecs believed that avocados were a powerful aphrodisiac and prohibited virgins from touching them.
- The vibrator was originally invented to treat women with hysteria.
- The record for the highest number of female orgasms is 134 times in a single hour.
- Approximately 10 to 12 % of women have never experienced an orgasm, including Marilyn Monroe.
- Regular sexual activity can lower a person’s pain threshold.
- Some women are capable of experiencing orgasm solely from kissing or strong leg contractions.
- Phenylethylamine, a chemical compound that induces a sense of euphoria and is found in chocolate, is the same chemical produced in the human brain when falling in love.
- Impotence is the primary cause of divorce in many countries around the world.
- Cashiers, accountants, and financiers are among the individuals most open to sexual experimentation.
- Spermatozoa are used in cosmetics as an anti-wrinkle agent.
- Studies have shown that lesbian women experience orgasms more frequently than women with traditional sexual orientations.
- During World War I members of the British intelligence agency MI6 discovered that sperm could be used as invisible ink. However, they abandoned the idea when they realized it emitted a strong odor.
- The area of the brain responsible for fear and anxiety is deactivated during orgasm.
- 10 % of people engage in sex directly at work.
- The ultimate desire for a normal man is considered to be fellatio.
- Almost all women experience heightened sexual arousal during their critical days.
- People who frequently consume pornography are more inclined towards feminist ideas. In general, scientists have found that young men and women who frequently engage with pornographic content gradually develop greater respect for women.
- Scientists from Maastricht University in the Netherlands claim that by 2050 people will be able to marry robots and engage in sexual activities with them.
- A small number of women are allergic to semen, which can cause burning and itching in the vagina.
- A specific scent that can arouse a man has been discovered through scientific means. It is a mixture of lavender and pumpkin scent.
- Both men and women are capable of experiencing an orgasm during sleep.
- Women fantasize much more frequently during sex compared to men.
- If a man completely abstains from sex, his penis may decrease in size.
- Sexual attraction to mannequins and statues is known as agalmatophilia.
- Most men claim to be afraid of female laughter during sex. Even a woman’s unwarranted laughter can lead to a sudden decrease in erection.
- Men who help women with household chores engage in sex 50 % more often than men who are lazy.
- In Ancient Greece the term for oral sex meant «playing the flute».
- During orgasm, both a woman’s and a man’s heart rate reaches 140 beats per minute.
- The male body requires only two tablespoons of blood to achieve an erection.
- Some women are capable of experiencing an orgasm during childbirth.
- Sperm is stored in sperm banks at a temperature of –196 degrees Celsius.
- Some people may experience nasal congestion during sexual activity.
- A woman named Houston set a record in 1999 for engaging in group sex. She managed to satisfy 620 men in 10 hours.
- Pornographic actor John Doe was able to satisfy 55 women in a single day.
- Emperor Augustus’ daughter, Julia, had sexual relations with 80,000 men. As a result, her father sent her to the island of Pandateria.
- The female blue whale has a vagina that is 2-3 meters long.
- The penis of an African elephant can reach 2 meters in length.
- The Egyptian fruit bat can engage in sex about 100 times within one hour.
- Mosquitoes spend no more than 3 seconds on sex.
- In 2017 a study by «Natural Cycles» revealed that women have the highest number of orgasms at the age of 36.
- Miami is home to the largest erotic art museum with over 4,000 exhibits.
- The Icelandic Phallological Museum houses the largest collection of penises, with over 200 exhibits.
The largest orgy in recorded history took place in Japan and involved 250 women and 250 men.
- Engaging in sex three times a week can burn 7,500 calories in a year.
- There are approximately 100 million intimate relations occurring on Earth every day.
- There is a theory that lipstick was invented by ancient Egyptian priestesses of love specialized in oral caresses. They wanted their lips to resemble genitalia.
- In the United States, by law, spouses who have a bad breath odor of fish, garlic, or onions are prohibited from having sex.
- 25 % of men have simulated an orgasm at least once in their life. Divorced men between the ages of 25 and 34 suffer from this 67 % more often than those who have never been married. 18-year-old and 24-year-old boys rarely pretend. The study also found that African Americans are most likely to fake pleasure, while Asians and men with high income levels are least likely to do so.
- A condom can only be stored in a wallet for up to one month, after which the rubber deteriorates.
- When a man is aroused, his sweat is infused with aromatic chemicals that stimulate the opposite sex’s desire.
- In 1998 a survey was conducted on two groups of men: one group wore tight-fitting swimwear, while the other wore spacious underwear. It turned out that when the testicles are pressed against the body, their temperature rises, which theoretically can have a negative impact on sperm quality.
- If a woman has an orgasm during sex, the chances of getting pregnant increase because the contractions of the pelvic muscles propel the sperm through the vaginal canal into the uterus.
- The concept of «friends with benefits» seems to be becoming the norm among modern youth. During a survey at Wayne State University (USA) 67 % of students reported engaging in intimate relationships without any commitments, simply on a «friends-only» basis.
- Facial hair and body hair are said to be indicative of male strength.
- On average, women have 4 sexual partners throughout their lifetime, while men have 6.
- During intense arousal, not only the genital organs but also the so-called internal nose become engorged, which can cause some individuals to experience a feeling of nasal congestion during sex.
- Sexual insecurities, unfortunately, are not limited to men. According to British sociologists, almost half of modern women lack self-confidence to the extent that they prefer to engage in sex… only while under the influence of alcohol! And 6 % of those surveyed admitted that they have never had sexual intercourse while sober. The main reasons for “intimate alcoholism” are the desire to gain courage and “maintaining a tradition of a romantic atmosphere.” However, for some women, physical intimacy with men simply disgusts them, scientists concluded. 14 % of female respondents cannot even sleep next to their partner unless they have had wine to induce sleep.